Blacksburg Transit     

  540-443-1500 (M-F 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.)

We're hiring!


The passenger waiting room in the Transit Center is now open. See the link below for building hours and details.

Type: Agency

Cause: Other

Effect: Other

More Info: /loops

Snow Stanger


What do you get for one month of interior advertising: One card in each of our buses for that particular month. 

Can an advertiser use any vendor for bus card production: BT has a list of approved vendors that can meet our specifications, please contact BT for more information. 

Can there be two bus cards per vehicle: Yes, just multiply your typical art/production costs by two and the monthly lease cost by two. 

Exteriors (including wraps)

What is a cling: A cling is vinyl that has been printed on and then laminated, rather like a large bumper sticker. The cling, using pressure sensitive adhesive, is applied to the exterior of the vehicle.

Can a cling be re-used:  No, a cling is much like a bumper sticker, once removed it cannot be re-applied.

How long do clings last: Ads can last a year, sometimes longer depending on the materials used.

Can an advertiser use any vendor for cling production: BT will be happy to give you a list of approved vendors that use recommended materials and guarantee both the product and lack of damage to BT vehicles. Clings must be printed on 3M IJ36 with laminate, no exceptions permitted.

What do you get for one month of exterior advertising: They receive one cling, on one bus, for one month. 

How many vehicles can a person advertise on: We limit exterior advertising signs to a total of twelve individual signs, per advertiser, per lease. 

Can a certain bus be assigned to a certain route: No, the buses are randomly assigned to routes on a daily basis. 

Is there a guarantee that a certain bus with a certain cling will be on the road 100 percent of the time: No, buses are pulled for maintenance and repairs as necessary.  

What happens if a cling is damaged during the paid lease period: BT will replace the cling or have it repaired at our cost. 

What's the difference between a wrap and a cling: A cling is a smaller ad that covers a specified area of the bus, and is limited in size. A wrap on the other hand covers the whole bus (minus drivers area & front windows), and can depict more of a story. 

How long will a wrap last: Under normal circumstances a wrap can last up to five years. However, the windows are only warranted for one year, so they may have to be replaced periodically. The Hokie Express bus wraps and window perfs were on the buses for five years with minimal wear and tear. 

What happens if a wrap is damaged during the paid lease period: BT will repair the wrap at our cost. 

What material is a wrap made out of: The wrap is made out of a 3M product called ControlTac which has been developed for just such purposes. The particular type of adhesive has channels to prevent air bubbles, and eases the process of applying the wrap. The windows are perforated, with holes cut in for visibility. Both types of vinyl are coated with a laminate, which prevents the colors from fading.

For further information regarding BT Advertising opportunities please contact the Communications & Customer Support Department at 540-443-1590 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..