Blacksburg Transit     

  540-443-1500 (M-F 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.)

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The passenger waiting room in the Transit Center is now open. See the link below for building hours and details.

Type: Agency

Cause: Other

Effect: Other

More Info: /loops

Snow Stanger

Transit Strategic Plan

About The Strategic Planfunnel removebg preview

Blacksburg Transit (BT) is in the process of developing a Transit Strategic Plan (TSP) to help guide service improvements over the next ten years in Blacksburg and Christiansburg. TSPs are required for transit agencies operating in urbanized areas (areas with over 50,000 residents) to ensure that transit services are planned to better meet their communities’ mobility needs. This gives BT the opportunity to evaluate and update our routes and services to respond to changes in demand, as well as to adjust services to accommodate the new Multi-Modal Transit Facility.

Blacksburg Transit’s TSP will be developed according to the Transit Strategic Plan Guidelines established by the Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation (DRPT). Information about the TSP guidelines can be found here:

The TSP will guide BT’s planning efforts, the prioritization of capital programs and projects, and the development of the operating and capital budgets for the next 10 years. The TSP is a living document that is designed to be more flexible and responsive to changes in the community.

The TSP process will ensure BT is better able to serve the growing needs of the Blacksburg, Virginia Tech, and Christiansburg communities.

Tell Us What You Think!

Help us make transit service better for you, your input will help shape the future of transit service in Blacksburg and Christiansburg. Visit us at a pop-up event and talk to us in person, or fill out our survey below!

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Online Community Survey

surveyComplete a short survey (Now live!), to tell us about your experiences, desires, priorities and goals for the Blacksburg Transit services.

Take Survey!

Request a paper copy of TSP Survey

Pop-up Events

pop upHaving trouble filling out the survey on your own or want to share your thoughts one-on-one? Come see the project team at one of our pop-up events across Blacksburg and Christiansburg to learn more about the project, ask questions and provide your input on the Transit Strategic Plan.

  • Thursday April 27th 11:30am - 1:30pm, Uptown Mall Christiansburg, 782 New River Road, Christiansburg
  • Thursday April 27th 3:00pm - 6:30pm, Downtown Christiansburg, Hickok Street, Christiansburg

  • Saturday April 29th 11:00am - 2:00pm, Christiansburg Public Library, 125 Sheltman Street, Christiansburg

  • Tuesday May 2nd 3:30pm - 5:30pm, Interfaith Community Pantry, 706 Harding Avenue, Blacksburg

  • Wednesday May 3rd 10:00am - 12:00pm, Blacksburg Community Center, 725 Patrick Henry Drive, Blacksburg

  • Thursday May 4th 5:00pm - 7:00pm, Christiansburg Recreation Center, 1600 North Franklin Street, Christiansburg

  • Saturday May 6th 12:00pm - 2:00pm, Uptown Mall, Christiansburg, 782 New River Road, Christiansburg

To request accommodations, including language assistance, interpreters, or auxiliary aids, please email BT.

Project Schedule

The planning process will include a community survey, pop-up events, and meetings with key stakeholders to deliver a final plan by December 2023.

BlacksburgTransitSchedule detail2

Completion of TSP

The Transit Strategic Plan was approved by Blacksburg Town Council on November 12, 2024. The full report (210 pages) can be found at the first link; for those that would prefer a high-level summary (14 pages), please follow the second link.

TSP Report


TSP Executive Summary