Blacksburg Transit     

  540-443-1500 (M-F 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.)

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The passenger waiting room in the Transit Center is now open. See the link below for building hours and details.

Type: Agency

Cause: Other

Effect: Other

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Snow Stanger

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This 2024 football season Blacksburg Transit will provide increased frequency on regular in-town routes during peak travel times on football game days. This service for game days and the information below may change from home game to home game. Please review the information below prior to every game.


11/30 Game Details:

Expect delays from 4 PM through the end of service on 11/30 due to the home football game.

Detours will begin at 5 PM. All buses (except the TTT) will begin servicing Cassell at 5 PM. Buses entering campus will service the Loops and then Cassell.

Chicken Hill and Smithfield parking lots will not be serviced after 5 PM. 


We realize not everyone is going to the game, if that is you click for some tips on how to get around when there's a football game.

What you need to know before the game starts:

  • Three hours before kickoff all buses, including regular route buses, will detour to make an extra stop at Cassell Coliseum. The only exception is the Two Town Trolley (TTT) route bus.

What you need to know after the game starts:

  • During the game, and after, regular scheduled routes will operate as normal servicing all routes and stops. There will be delays.
  • Buses will begin to depart Cassell Coliseum two hours after kickoff.
  • CRC, HDG, HWC, HXP, NMP, SME, and TCP will pick up at Cassell and the Loops before leaving campus.
  • Please be patient. After the game it’s difficult to get buses back to Cassell Coliseum after they leave due to traffic departing the stadium. There will be delays. 

ADA information:

  • BT Access provides ADA service to passengers with disabilities to and from the game.
  • ADA service will operate from Oak Lane. VT charges a parking fee (VT Parking Map / Google Map for directions).
  • At the ADA lot, you will be given a pass by Virginia Tech staff to use the ADA service. You will not be allowed to board the BT vehicle without this pass. Please retain this pass for boarding before and after the game.
  • BT Access will drop off and pick up near the south end of Lane Stadium.
  • The on campus handicap lot can fill quickly. Please plan accordingly.
  • Call BT Access at 540-443-1533 if you need additional information. Do not call this number about the boarding passes that are distributed by Virginia Tech staff.

Other helpful information:

  • No open food or beverages will be permitted on board.
  • All BT buses are fare-free for all passengers.  Parking lots on and off campus may charge a fee for parking.
  • BT no longer services the Blacksburg Middle School (P2).
  • Parking at the Good Shepard Church is serviced by the Hethwood (HWC) route at the BT bus stop at the intersection of Heather Drive & Huntington Lane.
  • The Toms Creek (TCP) route has a BT stop near Gilbert Linkous Elementary School.
  • The CRC route will service the Airport using the BT bus stop at the entrance of the parking lot on Research Center Drive (Map). The CRC route drops off and picks up passengers at Cassell Coliseum on Washington Street, not the south stadium lot.
  • Those parking in the Perry Street garage can board the CAS at the Transit Center in Maroon Bay 5 or Orange Bay 14.  Buses may be full at this point so consider walking to the stadium.
  • Buses will try to maintain their schedule on game days but this can prove challenging due to the tremendous increase in traffic so please be patient and allow ample travel time. There will be delays.

Click here for Virginia Tech Game Day Parking & Traffic Information


Parking in Christiansburg:

  • BT does not provide additional service from Christiansburg to Blacksburg.
  • For those planning to park in Christiansburg and take the Two Town Trolley (TTT) to and from the game, please be aware of the following:
    • TTT is an hourly service. On game days, it is extremely difficult to keep a schedule so expect delays. Full schedule information is available here.
    • For evening games, it is likely that the game will last longer than service on TTT. The last bus from Blacksburg to Christiansburg leaves the Transit Center at 8:15 pm.
    • TTT can only carry 70-80 passengers at a time. If it is full, it will be another hour until the next bus.


Travel Tips for those NOT going to the game:

Special Note: 3 hours prior to kick-off all routes will make an extra stop at Cassell Coliseum. The only exception is the Two Town Trolley (TTT) route bus.

 The reality is we live in a small college town and for six days out of 365 there will be game days that disrupt traffic and schedules all day long. Below is some information that may be helpful on those six days.

  1. The absolute best time to travel is during the game itself…think of it as three hours in the eye of the storm. Everything is very calm. The absolute worst time to travel is one hour before kickoff and immediately after the game ends.
  2. Regular bus routes will run as normal servicing all routes and stops until three hours before kickoff. At that point all buses will make an extra stop at Cassell Coliseum except the Two Town Trolley. At the end of the game regular bus routes will run as normal except everything will enter and leave campus via Stanger Street until traffic returns to normal…expect significant delays.
  3. Lane Stadium seats about 66,000 people, many of which are traveling into Blacksburg from out of town. Traffic is likely to cause delays and routes are likely to be off schedule at any point on the six game days.

 Questions? Call us at 540-443-1500Tweet us, Facebook/Instagram message us or Email us! (Checked M-F, 8 am - 5 pm)