Blacksburg Transit     

540-443-1500 (M-F 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.)

We're hiring!


bike c

All personal items must fit within your personal space on BT buses, either in your lap or at your feet. Blocking aisles and using additional seat space for carry-on items is not permitted. This rule includes any large objects that cannot fit in your lap or at your feet. Bikes are not permitted inside the bus and should be secured on the bike racks at the front of the bus.

All BT buses are equipped with bike racks that make it easy for you to transport your bike. Bike racks can hold at least two bikes, with a few holding three! Racks are easy to use, just unfold the rack, place your bike on the rack and secure using the lever. Racks accommodate most two wheeled, push pedal bicycles. Bike racks do not accommodate unicycles, e-bikes or scooters.

Blacksburg Transit and the Town of Blacksburg are not liable for any damages to bikes that are placed in a bike rack.



The purpose of this policy is to establish uniform guidelines for the sale of advertising space and sponsorship opportunities by Blacksburg Transit (BT). The policy specifically addresses advertising on route vehicles, in BT facilities, in BT publications and through electronic means, as well as sponsorship programs. Specific advertising program and product details (pricing and specifications) can be found on our website, BT reserves the right, with the approval of Blacksburg Transit's Director, to revise, delete, or add specific products and sponsorship programs.
In keeping with its function as a provider of public transportation, BT does not intend its acceptance of transit advertising to create forums for discourse and debate. BT's sole purpose and intent is to accept advertising as an additional means of generating revenue to support its transit operations. For that reason, BT retains strict control over the nature of the advertisements it accepts.

Advertising Content

Advertising space will be used for commercial purposes only, i.e., the payment of money in exchange for a commodity, service or event subject to certain exceptions for governmental activities set out below. All advertisements must conform to the following rules.

1. Advertisements should reflect the best interests of the Town of Blacksburg (Town) and Blacksburg Transit (BT). Accordingly, Blacksburg Transit will not accept offensive or disparaging advertising that may (i) reasonably embarrass or disturb BT employees or riders or (ii) otherwise harm the reputation or image of BT.

2. BT will not accept advertisements that are obscene, libelous, or fraudulent. Blacksburg Transit will consult with the Town Attorney before making this determination.

3. BT will not accept advertisements for tobacco or tobacco related products, including electronic cigarettes or similar products.

4. BT will not accept advertisements for alcohol or alcohol related products.

5. BT will not accept advertisements for political campaigns, political issues or issue advocacy.

6. BT will not accept advertisements for gambling or wagering activities.

7. BT will not accept advertisements for cannabis or CBD related products.

8. BT will not accept advertising that depicts sexually explicit, nude, obscene and/or pornographic statements or images.

9. BT will not accept advertising that portrays graphic violence.

10. BT reserves the right to limit an individual advertiser to a total of twelve (12) exterior signs per lease period.

11. Advertisements must respect the intellectual property of others. Advertisers and their agencies, with the exception of the Commonwealth of Virginia and its agencies, will indemnify and hold harmless the Town of Blacksburg, its officers and agents against all expenses and losses resulting from the contents of an advertisement, including claims for (i) trademark or copyright infringement or (ii) plagiarism. 


The Town and BT reserve the right to use all advertising types, and their individual components, to (i) promote town activities, initiatives, and job recruitment, and to (ii) permit other local governments and state agencies to promote their activities, initiatives and job recruitment.
BT reserves the right to suspend, modify or revoke the application of any of the standards in this policy as it deems necessary to comply with legal mandates, to accommodate its primary transportation function, or to fulfill the goals and objectives identified above. All of the provisions in this policy shall be deemed severable.

Approvals of Advertising

All potential advertising must be reviewed and approved prior to production by the BT Communications and Customer Support (CCS) Manager and CCS Coordinator. In the absence of the BT CCS Manager and CCS Coordinator, the Transit Director will designate a staff person to handle this task.

The entity submitting the paid advertisement may appeal to the Transit Director, within ten (10) working days, the BT CCS Manager and CCS Coordinator's decision on the conformity of any proposed advertisement to the requirements of this policy. The Transit Director will have ten (10) working days to review and respond to any appeals. The entity submitting the proposed advertisement may then appeal in writing, within ten (10) working days, the Transit Director's decision to the Town Manager. The Town Manager will review and respond to written appeals within (30) working days.


BT will maintain advertising opportunities on its website with current pricing. BT, with prior approval from the Transit Director, reserves the right to adjust pricing for advertising properties and sponsorship programs at any time. Production and installation is the customer's responsibility and not included in BT's advertising rates.

It is the advertiser's responsibility to deliver or reclaim materials in a timely fashion. Unclaimed materials may be disposed of at BT's discretion.

BT offers discounted advertising rates ranging from 7.5 percent to a maximum of 25 percent based on term, quantity and value. Customers are only eligible for one discount at a time.

Contractual Elements and Payment

Advertisers will be required to sign an advertising contract specifying the number of advertisements and length of time permitted. A commitment to purchase or lease advertising products or sponsorship programs is not considered final until an executed contract is received by BT. No advertising will be placed or sponsorship considered "sold" until an executed contract is received by BT.

"First Right of Refusal" is available for specific advertising products and sponsorship programs. Please refer to the specific advertising product or sponsorship program in our rate brochure.

Scheduling of the utilization of the available space will be left to the discretion of the BT CCS Manager and CCS Coordinator. Blacksburg Transit is unable to guarantee advertising space on specific routes.

Disclaimer of Endorsement
BT's acceptance of an advertisement does not constitute express or implied endorsement of the content or message of the advertisement, including any person, organization, products, services, information or viewpoints contained therein, or of the advertisement sponsor itself. This endorsement disclaimer extends to and includes content that may be found via internet addresses, quick response (QR) codes, and telephone numbers that may appear in posted ads and that direct viewers to external sources of information.


Updated and effective 2/5/2024.


What do you get for one month of interior advertising: One card in each of our buses for that particular month. 

Can an advertiser use any vendor for bus card production: BT has a list of approved vendors that can meet our specifications, please contact BT for more information. 

Can there be two bus cards per vehicle: Yes, just multiply your typical art/production costs by two and the monthly lease cost by two. 

Exteriors (including wraps)

What is a cling: A cling is vinyl that has been printed on and then laminated, rather like a large bumper sticker. The cling, using pressure sensitive adhesive, is applied to the exterior of the vehicle.

Can a cling be re-used:  No, a cling is much like a bumper sticker, once removed it cannot be re-applied.

How long do clings last: Ads can last a year, sometimes longer depending on the materials used.

Can an advertiser use any vendor for cling production: BT will be happy to give you a list of approved vendors that use recommended materials and guarantee both the product and lack of damage to BT vehicles. Clings must be printed on 3M IJ36 with laminate, no exceptions permitted.

What do you get for one month of exterior advertising: They receive one cling, on one bus, for one month. 

How many vehicles can a person advertise on: We limit exterior advertising signs to a total of twelve individual signs, per advertiser, per lease. 

Can a certain bus be assigned to a certain route: No, the buses are randomly assigned to routes on a daily basis. 

Is there a guarantee that a certain bus with a certain cling will be on the road 100 percent of the time: No, buses are pulled for maintenance and repairs as necessary.  

What happens if a cling is damaged during the paid lease period: BT will replace the cling or have it repaired at our cost. 

What's the difference between a wrap and a cling: A cling is a smaller ad that covers a specified area of the bus, and is limited in size. A wrap on the other hand covers the whole bus (minus drivers area & front windows), and can depict more of a story. 

How long will a wrap last: Under normal circumstances a wrap can last up to five years. However, the windows are only warranted for one year, so they may have to be replaced periodically. The Hokie Express bus wraps and window perfs were on the buses for five years with minimal wear and tear. 

What happens if a wrap is damaged during the paid lease period: BT will repair the wrap at our cost. 

What material is a wrap made out of: The wrap is made out of a 3M product called ControlTac which has been developed for just such purposes. The particular type of adhesive has channels to prevent air bubbles, and eases the process of applying the wrap. The windows are perforated, with holes cut in for visibility. Both types of vinyl are coated with a laminate, which prevents the colors from fading.

For further information regarding BT Advertising opportunities please contact the Communications & Customer Support Department at 540-443-1590 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

If you’ve spent any time in Blacksburg, you’ve certainly seen our buses. In fact, you’ve probably been stuck behind one that stops frequently to pick up and drop off customers. But you know what? They travel all over town. They’re BIG. And they’re NOTICEABLE. And, an ad on the rear or side of a 60’-long articulated bus won’t go unnoticed. So, hop on board with BT and start getting your ad noticed!

Advertising Options

advertisingWe have options to fit every budget, whether you want to promote your local business to riders or see your logo driving through the center of town. Whatever your advertising needs, we’ll make sure you get noticed.

Interior Advertising

Interior advertising is a great way to advertise your local business to a captive, student based audience. With more than 4 million people riding BT buses each year your ads will certainly be noticed. Prices are $400 per month with a discount for annual contracts.

Exterior Advertising

Think of it as a billboard on wheels, rolling around the streets of Blacksburg. Operating seven days a week and traveling over 1 million miles a year our buses are seen daily by thousands of people. With rates starting at $210 per month and a variety of sizes, we have options to meet every budget. Want to maximize your exposure? Consider multiple ads, one of our supersized articulated bus ads, or even a fully wrapped bus.

Please contact BT for a rate card This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


Production costs are the advertiser’s responsibility and can only be completed by vendor's that use recommended materials and guarantee both the product and lack of damage to BT vehicles. Production costs are the advertiser's responsibility, please contact BT for additional information. Costs may vary based on the ad size and complexity of the installation. 

Next Steps

Contact us today to get started! Some things to help you prepare:

  • Which ad size and location would you like?
  • How many ads?
  • Anticipated start date and how long you’d like to keep the ad(s)
  • Contact your designer and think about what you’d like on the ad. Remember, keep it simple with a minimal amount of text!

Please review our Advertising policy and Frequently Asked Questions for more information.

You’ve done the research and you’re ready to advertise, what do you do now? Contact BT today to get your advertising started: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

During inclement weather, the decision to run service or not will be based on public safety and road conditions. BT will monitor the weather, assess road conditions, and consult with Town of Blacksburg officials to determine whether service can be safely provided.

If it is determined to be safe to operate, detours may be necessary and some stops may be temporarily closed. If you use stops on these streets, please confirm if BT is able to service the stop: Ascot Lane (HDG), Broce Drive (TOM), Heather Drive (HWA), Marlington Street (MSS), Patrick Henry Ebnd (PRB), Progress Street (PRB & PRO) and Seneca Drive (MSN & PHD).

We urge all passengers to consider their safety before venturing out into inclement weather.

The service in Christiansburg may be affected in a different manner than Blacksburg service depending on road conditions. It may be possible that Blacksburg service continues un-interrupted, while Christiansburg service may be reduced, or vice-versa.

Potential Service Levels during Inclement Weather:

  • Delay of Service: The start of service may be delayed to allow time for improved road conditions.
  • Pause in Service: During a significant or fast-moving weather event, BT may temporarily pause service until conditions allow service to resume safely.
  • No Service: During times of severe weather or adverse road conditions BT may end service early or cancel service for the entire day. If service ends early, every effort will be made to return riders home safely. This may include a gradual phase out of service.

The most current information will be posted on the BT website, App and social media platforms.

Information will also available on BT’s main phone line at 540-443-1500 and posted to the News & Alerts page.


How do I figure out what route I need to use?

We have a trip planner available online and on our mobile app, Blacksburg Transit. Users enter their origin and destination addresses and choose a specific date and time. The trip planner will then provide directions to the closest stop, estimated departure time and which route to catch. You can also view our system map to determine which route to use.

Help, I still don't understand the routes/schedules!

We have friendly, helpful staff who are willing to help you plan your trip. Call us at 540-443-1500 or reach out to us on social media (Instagram, Twitter, Facebook).

Will the same route get me home?

Yes, but sometimes you can get home quicker by catching a different route. Typically this happens in the area serviced by the Patrick Henry, Progress Street, Toms Creek and University City Boulevard routes. Our app and trip planner can help you figure this out; sometimes it’s as simple as crossing the street.

How do I get to the Math Emporium?

If you are a first year student you will need to go here frequently! During Full service, weekdays you will need to catch the Toms Creek or University City Blvd routes. These routes will take you the closest to the Math Emporium. UCB is the fastest route from campus and TOM is the fastest return trip to campus.

How do I know where to catch the bus on campus?

There are five time check locations on campus: Burruss Hall, Torgersen Hall, Newman Library, Squires East and Squires West. All buses time check at one of these locations:

  • Burruss Hall: Campus Shuttle, Hethwood A, Hethwood/Harding Ave combined, University City Boulevard and U-Mall Shuttle
  • Torgersen Hall: Hethwood B, Toms Creek
  • Newman Library: Carpenter Boulevard, CRC Shuttle, Hokie Expres
  • Squires East: Harding Avenue, Main Street South, Progress Street, Two Town Trolley
  • Squires West: Main Street North, Patrick Henry, Progress B

How can I get to my class if the buses are always full

Plan ahead, don't wait for the 7:45 a.m. bus to get to your 8 a.m. class, try catching the bus that leaves 10 or 20 minutes prior. If you live in areas that are served by multiple routes, e.g. Patrick Henry/Progress Street, Hethwood, etc., consider crossing the street and catching a different bus. You might spend a few extra minutes on the bus, but hopefully it means that you caught the bus!

Why are there multiple schedules for each route?

Most routes have multiple schedules available, these are broken down according to: Weekday Full Service, Weekend Full Service, Friday Late Night Service, Reduced Weekdays, Reduced Weekends. While this sounds complicated, the first thing to know is if we are operating on "Full Service" or "Reduced Service."

Full Service vs. Reduced Service, What is the difference?

Reduced Service is considered the base service or the minimum level of service BT provides. As a general rule, BT operates on Reduced service during off-peak times of the year for example from mid May to mid August. Full service means the service has been enhanced from the base level, so during the peak times of the year we operate on Full service. For example: mid August to mid December and again from mid January to mid May. There are some exceptions so check our service calendar regularly.

Full Service, Reduced Service, Weekends, How do I know which to follow?

Look at our homepage, in the center of the page you will see the front of the bus and today's date, it will also tell you which service level we're operating on. Take a look at the service calendar to figure out the schedule for a different date.

Why isn't every stop listed in the route schedule?

We have over 250 stops, just in Blacksburg. This would make the route schedule really complex!

What is a time check?

Most routes have two time checks, which mark a point the bus must be at, at a certain time. Our schedule operates on departure times, so if a bus gets to a time check early then it cannot leave until the time check is met. These are used as points of reference for riders and drivers, to make sure we stay on schedule. Time checks are marked on the maps with yellow triangles.

Where can I get off the bus?

Our buses will only stop at designated BT bus stops.

How do I let the Driver know which stop I need?

Make sure to pull the yellow stop request cord to let the driver know you need the next stop - make sure to do this with plenty of advanced notice. Need help? Let the driver know where you're going and they'll make sure you get off at the right stop.

When will the bus be at my stop?

If your stop is not listed as a time check, then you will need to guesstimate when the bus will arrive. For example, University City Boulevard time checks at Patrick Henry at 8 a.m., and it takes 15 minutes to get to campus. Or, you can use our live map on our website or download our app. We recommend getting to a stop 5 minutes before the predicted time as buses will only wait at time checks.

What if I lost something on the bus?

Please fill out our lost and found form. Lost items are available for pickup Monday-Friday, 8 am - 5 pm. Items lost on the bus will stay on the bus until it returns to BT at the end of the service day. The best way to reunite with your item the same day is by meeting up with the bus you rode. Need help finding it? Call us at 540-443-1500 or reach out to us on social media (Instagram, Twitter, Facebook).

Blacksburg Service Levels

BT adjusts service levels in Blacksburg to correspond with the Virginia Tech academic calendar – “Full Service” when Virginia Tech is in session, e.g. fall and spring semesters, and “Reduced Service” during most other times. The definitions and hours of operation of each can be found below:

  • Full Service - This is our peak service operated during the fall and spring semesters. During Full Service all routes are in operation with the most frequent service, typically every 10-15 minutes during the busiest hours between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. Buses generally run until after midnight or later, depending on the day.
    • Exception: There are a total of nine service days that operate on “intermediate” service. On these days routes operate the same hours as Full Service and all routes are in service but buses run less frequently. “Intermediate” service days: the week prior to the beginning of the fall semester in August, Labor Day, the third Saturday in December, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, and the first Saturday in May.
  • Reduced Service - This service operates during all University break periods, e.g.Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall breaks. Each route provides 30 minute to hourly service. Some routes do not operate, while others are combined.
Monday - Thursday 7 a.m. - 12:45 a.m. 7 a.m. - 9:45 p.m.
Friday 7 a.m. - 2:45 a.m. 7 a.m. - 9:45 p.m.
Saturday 9:30 a.m. - 2:45 a.m. 9:30 a.m. - 9:15 p.m.
Sunday 9:30 a.m. - 10:45 p.m. 9:30 a.m. - 7:15 p.m.

Christiansburg Service Levels

Christiansburg services operate the same schedule all year.

Monday - Thursday 7 a.m. - 6 p.m. 7:15 a.m. - 6:45 p.m.
Friday 7 a.m. - 10 p.m. 7:15 a.m. - 6:45 p.m.
Saturday 8 a.m. - 11 p.m. No Service
Sunday No Service No Service

There are several options for travel by public transportation to locations outside of Blacksburg and Christiansburg, including connections to regional airports and Amtrak.

Radford Transit

Radford Transit provides connections between Christiansburg, and Radford, Monday through Saturday. During weekday's, transfer to BT's Two Town Trolley to complete the trip to Blacksburg; during weekend evening hours, the Radford Transit route completes the connection from Radford and Christiansburg to Blacksburg. Bus stops in Christiansburg include:

  • Downtown Christiansburg's Business District
  • Christiansburg Aquatic Center
  • New River Valley Mall

On weekends, stops in Blacksburg include:

  • First & Main Shopping Center
  • Blacksburg Municipal Building
  • Virginia Tech – Squires Student Center

Visit or call 540-831-5911 for more information.

Smart Way

The Smart Way bus system serves Blacksburg, Christiansburg, and Roanoke providing transfer locations to other regional bus service, the Blacksburg-Roanoke Regional Airport and the Roanoke Amtrak station. Riders should be aware the Blacksburg-Roanoke airport is a regional airport; transportation options to Blacksburg and Christiansburg are limted to Monday through Saturday. Bus stops in Blacksburg and Christiansburg include:

  • Squires Student Center at Virginia Tech
  • Corporate Research Center in Blacksburg
  • Laurel Street in Christiansburg
  • Kenneth B. Gibson Park and Ride lot in Christiansburg (near Exit 118 on I-81).

Visit or call 1-800-388-7005 for more information.

Virginia Breeze

The Virginia Breeze bus service provides daily service between Blacksburg and Union Station in Washington, D.C., with multiple stops along the way. Bus stops in the NRV include:

  • Blacksburg: Squires Student Center at Virginia Tech
  • Christiansburg: Kenneth B. Gibson Park & Ride lot in Christiansburg (near Exit 118 on I-81)

Visit for more information.

For information about other travel options available through Virginia Tech please visit

Don't see the connection you need?

Call us at 540-443-1500.

Do you have a questions about our service? Want to file a complaint or compliment? Have a problem using our route buses due to an ADA accessibility issue? Make a request for expanded service? Add a stop or shelter? Request information or documents? Provide general feedback about how we’re doing?

Please submit feedback for any of the above via any of the following options and include as much information as possible, for example: Route name, bus number, stop location, time, etc.

  • Phone: 540-443-1500
  • Email:
    • Feedback about bus service: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    • ADA Complaint on route buses: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Twitter:
  • Facebook:

We appreciate all feedback, so send us any questions, requests or comments about our service! All complaints are documented and investigated and a response will be provided in a timely manner.

Americans With Disabilities

BT is committed to providing an accessible experience for all customers. If, due to a disability, you are experiencing a problem in accessing BT's programs and services please let us know.

Complaints that a Blacksburg Transit program, service or activity is not accessible to persons with disabilities should be directed to Blacksburg Transit's ADA Coordinator by phone at 540-443-1535 or by email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. BT will make available an alternate means of filing a complaint available upon request. Please follow this link for additional information about the Americans with Disabilities Act.

Title VI

The Town of Blacksburg and Blacksburg Transit operate its programs and services without regard to race, color, and national origin in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act. Any person who believes she or he has been aggrieved by any unlawful discriminatory practice under Title VI may file a complaint with the Town of Blacksburg or Blacksburg Transit. Please visit our Title VI page to learn more about the program or to file a Title VI complaint.

Blacksburg Transit
2800 Commerce St.
Blacksburg, Virginia 24060-6656

Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.


How to Ride information is also available in Arabic, Chinese, Korean and Spanish, please see below for translations.

Find a BT bus stop. All BT stops are marked with a BT sign marking the stop and an additional informational sign listing the stop name, number and the routes that serve that location. To find a bus stop near you, download the Blacksburg Transit app and let the app find your closest stop. Note: BT will only pick up passengers at designated bus stops and does not honor flag requests.

No Smartphone? Our trip planner is also accessible from our website.

Wait at a BT bus stop. Arrive early! All departure times are estimates, so we recommend arriving at the stop five minutes early. Make sure you’re standing at the stop, so the driver knows you need to be picked up.

All BT vehicles are wheelchair accessible, with two wheelchair securements. Our large buses used in Blacksburg have low floors meaning there are no steps at the entryway. Drivers may also kneel or lower the bus and deploy a ramp if needed. The seats near the front of the bus are reserved for the elderly and persons with disabilities.

Peak Ridership. During busy times the bus may be overcrowded. Please move to the back of the bus, and fill from the back of the bus to the front. Seating near the front of the bus is reserved for the elderly and persons with disabilities, while not in use the driver may ask passengers to keep these seats folded up to allow for additional standing room.

Requesting a stop. Drivers do not stop at every stop, so passengers must signal their need to exit by pulling the yellow stop request cord giving the driver enough advance notice to safely stop the bus.

Exiting the bus. Please exit the bus through the rear door and cross behind the bus at the nearest crosswalk.

How To Ride is also available in the following languages:

Think you've lost something on the bus? Fill out the form below and we'll try to help reunite you with your item. 

Items left on the bus will remain there until the end of the day. Your best chance of claiming the item is to return to the same bus - most routes take 30 minutes to complete. If you got off the bus at stop 1214 at 3:58 pm, the same bus will be back around 4:28 and 4:58 pm.Call us if you need assistance locating the correct bus 540-443-1500.

We will secure all items that are turn into our Lost & Found and store them according to the below before either returning to the issuing agency or disposing of the item.

Bank Card/Drivers License, etc. 15 days Destroy cards
Bicycles 60 days Sell at Town Auction
Books (including text books) 60 days Donate to local Thrift Store
Books (Library) Immediate Return Return to issuing Library
Cash 60 days Deposit into fare box
Cell Phones 60 days Donate to phone recycling program
Clothing, Jewelry & Small Electronics 60 days Donate to local Thrift Store
Keys - VT Property 15 days Return to VT
Keys - All others 60 days Trash
Perishable Items (including liquids) Immediate Disposal Trash
Umbrellas & Water Bottles 15 days Donate to local Thrift Store
VT Hokie Passport 10 days Return to VT
Wallets 15 - 60 days After 15 days - Destroy bank cards & ID's. Return Hokie P to VT
After 60 days - Deposit cash into fare box. Once wallet is emptied, donate to local thrift store

In order to ensure a safe and pleasant trip for everyone, we ask that you observe a few courtesies:

  • Do not step out in front of any bus.
  • Please board the bus at the front door only.
  • For your own safety, please exit through the rear door, wait for the bus to depart and cross the street behind the bus at the nearest crosswalk. Do not step out in front of any bus.
  • BT is fare free, so no ID, pass or fare is needed to board any BT vehicle.
  • Traffic does not stop for Blacksburg Transit buses while passengers are disembarking, so please look before crossing the street behind the bus.
  • Please do not stand in the rear doorway or ahead of the white standee line.
  • If you have to stand, always maintain a firm and secure grip on the handrails.
  • The side-facing seats at the front of the bus are reserved for the elderly and persons with disabilities.
  • Once the bus has pulled away from the stop, the driver may not open the doors again until arriving at the next BT stop.
  • No tobacco products, including electronic cigarettes or similar products are allowed on/in any Blacksburg Transit vehicle or facility.
  • Wheelchairs are to be secured to the floor on all Blacksburg Transit vehicles before service can resume.
  • BT Access requires that all passengers wear seatbelts for the duration of their trip.
  • Baby strollers are to be folded and stowed securely on all Blacksburg Transit vehicles.
  • Service Animals - Blacksburg Transit has a "No Pets" policy on all BT vehicles. BT does allow the use of a service animal by a person with a disability following ADA guidelines. Service animals must be under the control of the handler. Using a leash with a collar, a service harness, or riding in a suitable pet carrier are examples of how a service animal may be under the control of their handler. The animal may be excluded from riding any BT vehicle due to disruptive or dangerous behavior. Under the ADA, emotional support, therapy and companion animals are not considered to be service animals.
  • All passengers are required to wear a shirt and shoes while riding Blacksburg Transit vehicles.
  • Please help keep the vehicle clean by placing litter in the trash can located at the front of the vehicle.
  • Please refrain from obscene or offensive language.
  • Items not permitted on BT vehicles:
    • Full or empty containers of flammable or hazardous chemicals such as gasoline cans
    • Vehicle batteries
    • Open alcoholic and non-alcoholic containers; liquids should be in a closed, spill-proof container
    • Weapons of any kind such as large knives or swords displayed openly

Passenger Conduct

Blacksburg Transit would like to remind all passengers that disruptive behavior on any vehicle will not be tolerated. Passengers who fail to act in an orderly manner may be removed from the vehicle and their fare will not be returned. Blacksburg Transit reserves the right to suspend bus privileges for disruptive behavior.

Bus Stop Alerts

Occasionally, bus routes may be detoured, suspended, or enhanced due to traffic and/or weather conditions. Should this occur, please look for posted color-coded information flyers at or near your bus stop. The colors are as follows:

  • Red – Bus Stop Closed: Used when bus stop is not accessible by the route bus.
  • Blue – Temporary Bus Stop: Used to complement a closed bus stop. This stop is not used during regular service.
  • Yellow – Rider Alert: Used to update passengers of service changes.
  • Green – Service Alert: Used to update passengers of service improvements.

Blacksburg Transit, better known as BT by our riders, is the public transportation provider for Blacksburg, Virginia Tech, Christiansburg, and parts of Montgomery County in southwest Virginia.

Our services include the following:

  • Fixed routes that operate on a published time schedule and follow a designated route. The routes in Blacksburg are fixed routes, connecting major residential areas to the Virginia Tech campus and commercial areas. In Christiansburg, two semi-fixed routes, the Explorer Blue and Gold, connect the residential areas to the downtown business district and the northern shopping district.
  • Demand response services pick up and drop off passengers at locations of their choosing. Reservations are required and in the case of BT Access certification of eligibility is required. In Christiansburg the Go Anywhere service is available for the general public to use.

Information about BT:

For more information, click on any of the links above, browse the pages on our website, or call us at 540-443-1500.

snapshot background

calendar icon


Tuesday, July 16, 2024
Wednesday, July 17, 2024
Thursday, July 18, 2024

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Green represents Full Service Full Service

DarkGreen represents Full Service Full Alt

Orange represents Intermediate Service Intermediate Service

Yellow represents Reduced Service Reduced Service

PaleOrange represents Reduced Service Reduced Alt.

Maroon represents No Service No Service

Blue represents Events Events


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News & Events

The Loops will Open on Monday 6/24

The Transit Center Loops will open Monday, June 24th, 2024.

All BT buses arriving on campus will drop off passengers at the Transit Center Loops located near the Perry Street garage. The Loops are also the central stop passengers will board buses to leave campus.

Read more ...

Reduced Service Begins 5/12

BT will operate on Reduced Service in Blacksburg from Sunday, May 12th until mid-August. Service ends at 9:45 PM every day. Christiansburg service is not affected.

Read more ...